Automotive Recruitment Vlog

Automotive Recruitment Vlog With Craig Lockerd #4

By October 31, 2011 December 27th, 2016 One Comment

In episode #4 of the Automotive Recruitment Vlog with Crag Lockerd I share with you two stories of how I was told to lie to the customer in order to make a car deal. Of course this is from times that have have gone by but there is a valuable lesson that I want to impart to you here, one that you really need to listen to. I'll see you in the video... well technically I guess that's not true because only YOU will see me! lol

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If you’d like to hire Automax to recruit, screen and train new salespeople, with no bad habits, at your dealership, you can contact us HERE.


Craig Lockerd

Craig Lockerd is the founder and CEO of AutoMax Recruiting And Training. He has nearly 50 years of experience in the auto industry. You can find Craig on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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