When you choose AutoMax, right off the bat you’ll realize we do things differently. We keep the focus on our customers in everything we do and we aim to impart that into every person we train. Our principles are based on the basic pillars of happiness and success, passed down through the millennia and toted by beloved American author Og Mandino. If you’ve already noted that AutoMax stands out when it comes to delivering a superior customer experience, keep reading to find out our secret.
Treat Everyone You Meet as if They were Going to be Dead at Midnight
No, it’s not as morbid as it sounds. This guiding rule, found in Og’s book, “A Better Way to Live”, switches a salesperson’s perspective. We look at our customers as people first, striving to meet each need as if it were our own. By imagining that everyone that walks through the doors of your dealership is living their final day, you may begin to see that your own self-absorbed tendencies wash away and a happy, fulfilled and successful frame of mind steps in to replace them.

It starts with the little things -- ensuring that your client’s basic comfort has been taken care of by getting them something to drink and offering them a comfortable place to sit. Remember, they are seeking you out to guide them through their current situation. Even if it’s as minor as a routine oil change, if you extend genuine compassion throughout the interaction, you begin to establish trust. That trust is what buds into a relationship, leading to customers that return to you throughout their lives and refer you to their loved ones and associates.
It’s Simple and it Works
So there you have it -- our success and yours, as well, lies in the power of kindness. Stop worrying about whether or not each customer is wasting your time. Stop stressing over paperwork and ignoring the actual bodies that are standing at your company’s admin desk. As soon as you begin treating the people around you as if today was their last, you start to see them as what they truly are -- mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. Your clients are real people and genuine concern will go farther than any clever spiel every time.
If you’re ready to switch your team over to this kind of winning thinking, give us a call. We have all manner of training programs to help you turn your workplace into a welcoming environment that generates great reviews and real results. Contact AutoMax today to get started -- and remember, treat everyone you meet like they’ll be dead at midnight!